Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer Bible Study

The kids and I read through the book All We Like Sheep by Mary Glynn Peeples.  The title is taken from Isaiah 53:6.
 "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all."

From God's perspective we are all like sheep.  The book is divided into 3 parts.
  • Part 1 - ten characteristics of sheep
    • Sheep need full-time supervision because ...
      • they are not trainable
      • they are afraid to drink from running water
      • they are led, not driven
      • when they are on their backs they cannot right themselves
      • they are not burden bearing animals
      • they must be sheared at the right time in the right season
      • their vision is impaired when they are not sheared
      • they are defenseless
      • they need his daily touch
  • Part 2 - it is our nature to want our own way
  • Part 3 - we need to see the provisions God has made on our behalf
The kids enjoyed the way the author divided the chapters into segments of: characteristics of sheep; a shepherd's care; characteristics of people; and the shepherd's care.  We did a little storyboard for the characteristics.

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