Friday, June 20, 2014

Moving Up ... new link

The kids are moving up in grades.  Here's our new link beginning with our summer activities.
Please re-direct your browser, so you can stay caught up.

Lilly's Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

We invited the grandparents (via Skype) and Aunt Alice & Uncle Charlie to Lilly's kindergarten graduation ceremony.  It was a wonderful time of prayer, blessing over Lilly, and presentation of diploma.  Lilly wore a red cap and gown, previously worn by me in my kindergarten graduation ceremony in 1974 (exactly 40 years ago).

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lilly's Kindergarten Graduation Open House

On June 1st we had a kindergarten graduation open house for Lilly.  We invited our Home Fellowship group, neighbors, and Barton House representatives.  It was a lovely time.