Friday, January 17, 2014

Mount Kilimanjaro

Kili Hike Team
Matt is on his way to Tanzania, Africa!!  He's been preparing for a few years and now has his team in flight to hike Mount Kilimanjaro and visit our church's sponsoring villages - Mairowa & Kondoa.  Before he left he gave each of us one of the team t-shirts and a special bandana (Micah's is ninja gold; Lilly's is cheetah print; and mine is zebra print).  Go Matt!
Support Team

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2nd Semester begins

We had an extended amount of school days "off" since Matt had some extra vacation days before Christmas break began.  So, it was a little difficult for all of us to get moving again in our 'normal routine'.  But, we did and enjoyed it once we got going.  Sammy was so excited to have us back home and to get back to learning.
For phonics, Lilly was using stamps to write/sound out words.  When I went over to see how she was doing, she had written 'I love Micah' at the top.  It was so sweet!  (I treasure moments like that in my heart!)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sew Cool ... really Soooooo Cool

Lilly got a 'Sew Cool' sewing machine for Christmas from G&G Rich.  We got it out this weekend.  She couldn't stop!  This thing is really neat and gave her several pillows to make as her starter projects.  There is no thread, in or out of the machine.
The cupcake was her first one!

Despicable Me 2 - hits Micah's room

We saw Despicable Me 2 together as a family this week.  The kids had seen it at the theatre (August), and over Christmas, they watched it with their cousins.  So, Micah and Lilly have it on the brain -- "Ramsbottom -- bottom, hahaha!" 

Micah closed himself in his room with a project.  (It is always fun to see the end products of these sessions.)  We were not disappointed.

He created two minion images out of construction paper.  What made this project extra cool was that the yellow minion was on the right/front door with the left/back door behind it.  When someone went to close/slide the back door --- then the purple minion showed up and the yellow minion was shooting him with the jelly.  Clever!

Happy New Year

We arrived home from Chicago just in time ... before all the cold & snowstorms began.  Dave (next door neighbor) had snacks and fireworks ready for us, but we delayed those celebrations until the evening of the 1st.