Monday, November 11, 2013

Veterans Day

We had the opportunity to celebrate Veterans Day officially with the Barton House last week.  On Thursday we attended a flag ceremony put on by the National Guard.  They gave a wonderful salute, and tribute, to the empty place setting.  Many family members of the Barton House residents also attended.

Lilly's special requested hair style for the day

Today (11/11/13) we did some school activities and played with neighborhood friends, who were out of school for the day.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Riding Her Bike - No Training Wheels

Well, we finally got Lilly over to the track, with a softer falling surface, to practice riding a bike without training wheels.  She took to it like a bee to honey.  She rode first through the field portion and began to curve around to come back to us making great turns.  Then she rode around the track, riding for 1/8th of a mile first, and then all the way around, 1/4 mile, the second time.  In the afternoon she was riding her bike up and down the street, around the cul-de-sac, and in & out of the mini road across from us with the big boys of the neighborhood.
The boys all congratulated her and treated her with awe, giving her much confidence and huge smiles!

The Men Who Built America

Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Carnegie, Astor, Ford and Morgan. Their names are part of history and their efforts transformed a country.
Micah and I came part way into the 'The Men Who Built America' marathon on the History Channel Saturday afternoon (we missed Vanderbilt).  We were folding laundry and learning a lot about the Industrial Age.  The episodes went through the life of each man and then how their lives intertwined throughout their lives and the transformation of the United States.  We both learned a lot!