Friday, June 20, 2014

Moving Up ... new link

The kids are moving up in grades.  Here's our new link beginning with our summer activities.
Please re-direct your browser, so you can stay caught up.

Lilly's Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony

We invited the grandparents (via Skype) and Aunt Alice & Uncle Charlie to Lilly's kindergarten graduation ceremony.  It was a wonderful time of prayer, blessing over Lilly, and presentation of diploma.  Lilly wore a red cap and gown, previously worn by me in my kindergarten graduation ceremony in 1974 (exactly 40 years ago).

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lilly's Kindergarten Graduation Open House

On June 1st we had a kindergarten graduation open house for Lilly.  We invited our Home Fellowship group, neighbors, and Barton House representatives.  It was a lovely time.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Last Day of School

Today was our last day of school.  We met our friends, the Kroenings, at LAFitness (so Jen and I could workout together and the kids could play together), then we stopped at Jamba Juice for a special treat (got a great gift card from friends), then we came home to complete our school work for the year.
The kids did their inquiry presentations and then we finished with our last two of the 50 United States - Alaska & Hawaii.  The presentations the kids chose this time were:
Micah - 1.  Reciting the preamble of the Gettysburg Address; 2.  Demonstrating and explaining earthquakes; 3.  Playing "America" on the piano
Lilly - 1.  Reading one of her books 'Where's Little Mole?'; 2.  Monologue/skit from On The Banks of Plum Creek; 3.  Using a map to show/tell the 7 continents, 5 oceans, and the equator

It's been another great school year.  We'll have Lilly's graduation Open House this Sunday evening and her graduation ceremony (via Skype with grandparents) soon after.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Gymnastics Developmental Showcase 2014

Lilly participated in the North Valley Gymnastics Showcase yesterday.  She has been progressing nicely and is now in her 2nd 'invitation' class - Petite Elite.  She has two 90 minute classes per week, working with Coach Cristie on Tuesday morning and Coach Dana on Saturday morning.
The showcase included the Boy's Mighty Rockets & Boy's Level 3 groups, and the Girl's Mini Elite, Girl's Petite Elite and Girl's Junior Elite groups.
The program consisted of 4 routines, where each gymnast performed individually, and a 'photo op' station.  They all had matching leotards and looked very professional.  At the end each child was recognized for their efforts and received a metal.  Lilly was giddy the entire time.  She performed well and enjoyed herself.

Lilly's scores were:
  • Vault:  9.7
  • Bars:  10.0
  • Beam:  9.9
  • Floor:  9.6
Girls - Mini, Petite, and Junior Elite groups
Petite Elite Girls

Lilly on left - floor performance

Lilly - balance beam performance

Lilly - vault performance
Lilly - bars performance
Lilly, Kelsey & Ruth (friends and classmates)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Our new friend Nancy

Nancy Olson is a triple negative breast cancer patient at Mayo Hope Lodge.  She is from Chicago, IL and in order to reside in the Hope Lodge while she is here, she needs to have someone stay overnight with her.  Her husband was here for 6 weeks (beginning in January) and then had to go home and continue working.  Nancy contacted Scottsdale Bible Church and connected with our breast cancer coordinators.  She now has someone staying with her on a regular basis.
We met Nancy when Betty (her regular roommate) scheduled a trip to CA.  I was excited for the opportunity to support and befriend Nancy.  I'm including this as part of our school blog because it was a terrific learning experience for our entire family.  The kids went with me to meet Nancy, and one evening Lilly and I brought her over to our house for dinner and entertainment.  I stayed overnight with her for 3 consecutive nights.
The Mayo Hope Lodge is a wonderful place for cancer patients and their families.  It's a great community environment. It was a good for our family to learn about it and what they offer.  You can click here to find out more: